In sophisticated commerce, order flows come in from multiple sales channels simultaneously with multiple statuses. In this case, it is important to have a comprehensive set of management tools.

Johku includes comprehensive order management. You can easily monitor the orders placed by your customers and their contents. In Johku, you can also create manual orders with many processing options.

Product-specific ordering and payment processes

The policy of payment and pricing can be defined separately for each product. While individuals are generally directed to pay immediately, business customers can be offered processes for request for quotation and preliminary ordering or even ordering directly to an invoice.

Order payment link

A payment link can be sent from an open order, through which the content of the order can be paid for by the desired payment method. Payment links enhance sales, especially to private customers, when contact is made, for example, over the telephone.

Order confirmation link

The confirmation link allows the merchant to take a binding confirmation of the order from organisational customers, accepting the terms and conditions. This significantly reduces the risk for the merchant that the content of the order will change in a continuous iterative process. A strong confirmation also makes the implementation process transparent, including its costs.

Open orders

Open orders allow for preliminary purchases, giving the customer the opportunity to consider or change their purchase. Open orders are fully customisable and are not subject to receipts or payments. Open orders can be freely deleted.

Consolidated orders

In Johku, you can combine several open or confirmed orders into one consolidated order and create a single invoice. This is handy if, for example, you want to invoice a company or organisation collectively after a certain period of time. Links to the original orders are also preserved, making it easier to manage and review the batches.

Real-time order list

The order list provides a quick real-time view of the flow of orders from all sales channels. Through the order list, it is easy to navigate to the contents of a specific order. The orders displayed in the order list can be easily narrowed down by free keywords, order status, dates and tags.

Sources of sales

Each order is linked to its source channel from online to POS. You can easily track where sales are coming from at the order level. Source channel information is also added to orders when sales come from third channels through the channel manager.

Prepayments and partial refunds

A paid order can be processed as an prepayment, in which case Johku will create a new order based on the original invoice. The new order will automatically import all product lines from the original order, converted to refunds. The prepayment process can be used for additional sales and partial refunds.

Order data export to Excel

All orders or those with filters can be exported to an Excel file for further processing. The file will contain all the order data (excluding individual product lines) in raw form.

Order-specific notes

Each order has its own note field, which can be used to enrich the content of the order and guide the service process, for example. The notes are internal only and are not visible to the customer.

Order specific delivery management

Each order has its own delivery management, which allows you to view the tasks assigned to the order and process them further.

Order specific communication

Each order has a communication management, where all e-mails sent to the customer are stored. The status of the message indicates whether the customer has received it and, if necessary, the message can be resent. and AirBnB communication in orders

Products that are connected to and AirBnB sales channels and have messaging enabled will also open up customer messaging in order specific communications. In this case, everything related to the order is available to all staff in one place.
Johku Channex

Customer details of the order

A comprehensive and relevant amount of customer data is stored into order. The customer data is automatically stored in the customer's My Johku application, which automates the customer's ability to review, edit and delete their personal data in accordance with GDPR.

Comprehensive order information

In Johku, you can track your shop's orders in real time on their own tabs. The order contains comprehensive information about the products ordered, including booking times. You can see the status of your orders not only in text, but also in colour.

Tracking order messages and deliveries

From the order and receipt information, you can also track emails sent to the customer and resend them if necessary. You can also manage related deliveries, such as postal deliveries, for an order.  

Summary of orders requiring action

Johku's dashboard lists all open and confirmed orders - i.e. orders that are waiting for action by the merchant.  

Create orders manually

In Johku, you also create orders for customers manually. From these orders, you can send the customer links for confirmation and online payment, create an invoice or process the order as paid using your store's payment method.  

Language-versioned orders

If your store has language versions available, the language version selected by the customer will be directly applied to the order, and all communication regarding the order will be conducted in that chosen language for the customer. As a merchant, you can manually change the language version of the order.

Upcoming features

Johku is constantly evolving through the ideas of merchants. You can find new features under development in the Johku Ecosystem. You can also submit your own ideas to our Idea Register, where they will be evaluated and transferred to the development process. 
Johku Ideas   Johku Roadmap   Johku Development  

The Future of Entrepreneurship

Johku is a fast-growing e-commerce platform in Finland. Its support for all product types, coupled with a vast array of features, makes Johku a competitive choice for numerous companies.

Ilkka Lariola, CECO

Ilkka Lariola, CECO

Johku Ecosystem and New Merchants
Sami Hänninen, CEO

Sami Hänninen, CEO

Concept Design and Development
Minna Mikkola

Minna Mikkola

Communications, Merchant Support