Johku makes language translation easy. Fixed Johku texts are pre-translated, and for translations of self-placed texts you can use the translation service directly in the maintenance functions. Product publishing and language selection on the marketplace are language version-specific, so you can take your time to finalise translations before publishing the language version.
Several languages are available in the buying process to enable international sales. The default language version is Finnish, but you can change this setting yourself if you want your products to be created in another language by default.
You can enable language versions at any time, and disable them whenever you want. Since there are separate settings for language display in the admin and public areas, you can create language versions of content in advance before the actual language version is published on your storefront.
Product categories and products have a language-specific visibility setting. This allows you to gradually publish product categories and products one language version at a time as you complete their translations.
Johku has an AI translation service that is ready for you to use to translate the content of products and messages directly within Johku. The translation service provides high-quality but affordable translations, and is available in all Johku languages.
Johku's fixed texts, such as fixed descriptions, many ordering process functions and ticket and value card messages, are pre-translated into Johku languages.
When a customer makes an order in a language version, he/she will receive all Johku's messages in that language if the texts of the messages are in a language version. The language version of the order can also be changed afterwards by the administrator.
You can use Johku in several languages. You can change the language of the Johku interface so that it applies to all users as a general setting or alternatively each user can choose the language individually as a user-specific setting.
The language version change is highly automated in Johku Storefronts. If content exists in a language version in the selected language, it is automatically redirected to that language version. If for some reason the language version does not exist, the user is intelligently redirected to the home page of the selected language version without interrupting the path.
Johku is constantly evolving through the ideas of merchants. You can find new features under development in the Johku Ecosystem. You can also submit your own ideas to our Idea Register, where they will be evaluated and transferred to the development process.