Hotels and similar properties with a large number of rooms |
49 eur/month |
e.g., hotel, aparthotel, capsule hotel, holiday hotel, hostel, resort, holiday village, inn, motel, tent village, guesthouse. |
Vacation rentals and similar properties with a limited number of separately bookable roomsThe base price includes one room type and one room. Additional rooms and rooms of additional room types |
E.g., holiday home, cottage, villa, apartment, chalet, homestay, farmhouse, farm accommodation, boat. Maximum of 50 room types. The number of rooms within each room type is unlimited. |
A room type corresponds to a Johku product. When a Johku product is linked to a property, a room type is automatically created for the property with the product name. This can be connected to the corresponding room type in the channel.
International sales channels for accommodations are seamlessly linked in product management on the "other sales channels" tab. Channel management is automatically available in all Johku accounts and does not require a separate connection.
The monthly fee is automatically charged via a commission invoice. The termination notice period is 1 month.